Nathu Son

Gold 24K 10g -  ₹ 72,440

Gold 22K 10g -  ₹ 66,400

Silver 10g -  ₹ 965


Diamonds have remained close to the people’s hearts because of the brilliance, the shine, and the mystique surrounding them. They hold a long history of existence that dates back several thousand years. Now, let’s take a simple and interesting journey on how diamonds became what we see today, brilliant gems.

Ancient Beginnings

Diamonds were first discovered in India around the 4th century BCE. The earliest deposits of diamonds were discovered in the riverbeds around the Golconda area in southern India. During those days, people thought that diamond stones had some magical powers. They believed that these gems would help them have and give strength, protection, and courage. This belief made diamonds highly valuable and respected.

Diamonds in Ancient Cultures

When the connections continued to develop, other parts of the world also received diamonds. In the ancient Greek and Roman cultures, diamonds were associated with gods and goddesses. The Greeks coined the term ‘Adamas,’ which means ‘invincible’ in the English Language since these stones were hard. Diamonds were considered to be faithful love by the Romans and they used them during engagements and in other pieces of jewellery.

The Medieval Era

During the medieval period, diamonds were used to denote power and prestige. Gemstones such as diamonds were adored by the royal and noble sectors due to their beauty. Diamond-cutting processes also began to emerge during this period but were not as precise as today. At that time also, diamonds were appreciated for the quality of being able to shine and sparkle.

The Comeback and Beyond

The Comeback of Diamonds introduced many changes to diamond cutting. Other improved methods were invented to enhance the shinning of diamonds. It also brought the discovery of diamond mines in Brazil to supplement the need for diamonds in the market. Diamonds then became special in the design of jewellery as a symbol of the richness of the time.

The Modern Era

The new era of diamonds came into existence in the early 19th century when large deposits of diamonds were discovered in South Africa. The De Beers Company, established in 1888, dominated the market of diamonds. They built the market on diamonds and made people believe that ‘diamonds are forever’ particularly the Diamond rings. This made diamonds to be associated with love and this has led to traditional wedding gifting as a way of showing the couple’s commitment towards their partnership.

Diamonds Today

Diamonds are now more easily available than before even to those who may not be so wealthy. Advanced technology makes it possible to produce artificial diamonds in the laboratory and unlike natural diamonds, they are cheaper most of the time. Hyderabad remains one of the best hubs for diamond jewellery shops where you can get some of the most attractive diamonds. For Example; Nathu and Sons, offers all traditional styles to the modern models of diamond jewelleries in their store.

Diamond and the Eternity of Beauty

Diamonds will always remain special to us since they have been valued for their history and beauty. They have been a mark of love, authority and sophistication for ages as well. While holding a diamond, one is not just holding a piece of jewellery; this is a gem that has a rich history that dates back to different civilizations.

So, whether you’re drawn to their ancient legends or their modern charm, diamonds remain to spark wonder and admiration. However, it is also worth purchasing the best Diamond from Nathu and Sons, the best diamond jewellery shop in Hyderabad. They have a beautiful collection of diamond jewelleries that they include from simple rings which have single diamonds to the more complex ones that are fashioned with modern trends. Thus, they remain the best symbol of love and special milestones in our lives.

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